I keep thinking that only the Marvel and DC Comics movies at theatres and TV shows have the whacked out world-dominating, isolationist, pseudo-fascist characters. But, no. Unfortunately, The Donald is really running for the highest office in his land. Maybe of all lands. And with his arch nemesis "to-be" being Vladimir Putin, well, I feel ever so comforted that they'd get along. It is, however, the reality that we're living with for now, so we might as well embrace it and imagine how it might evolve.
So, what if...
... Donald Trump could choose anyone he wanted to be his vice presidential running mate? What if he could choose anyone from anywhere? I mean, honestly, if The Donald ever succeeds in becoming The President of the United States he will need a Vice President worthy of himself. And who could be more worthy of the title Vice President than the the former Mayor of Toronto, Rob Ford, literally the King of Vice in politics! If US electoral laws were to allow it, the team of Trump and Ford would be, well, legendary. The sheer level of bombasticity would be unimaginable.First, (really I don't know where to start with this, but...) you would have to wake up everyday just yearning for the news to report who broke "political wind" with their comments that day. Would it be Trump declaring that Canadians would now have to pay a royalty to the US for appropriating the use of their currency name (and would "the buck" now become known as The Donald Bill?)? Or would it be VP Ford caught on a cellphone video in a substance induced tirade about how his new boss won't let him use the VP's official jet to haul his football buddies to the economic conference in Davos. To be fair, VP Ford probably thought it was a party at Dave-o's.
Secondly, Rob Ford could be Mr. Trump's muscle in the house. Recall that Rob was quick(ish) to run across the floor in a city of council meeting and trample a fellow councillor when he was upset. I think the US house of representatives is a slightly bigger venue, so Rob might get a bit more exercise. And let's face it, wherever Rob goes, brother Doug is nearby, so as Rob's chief of staff, Mr. Trump gets two Fords in his house.
Lastly (maybe), Rob Ford was the Mayor for the working class. Donald may be loved by many working class americans, but he's hardly working class. Rob could firm up support for President Trump with the real US blue collar working class. In fact, Rob could be the single most important factor in getting the less politically engaged elements of the US electorate to support the Republican party. VP Ford could simultaneously host Narc-anon political rallies, while hosting backroom smoke-ins to gather support and discuss whatever alienates those americans. Obamacare might have to give way to a new A-Ford-able Drug plan.
I could go on and on, and trust me I did so as I sat here writing this blog entry. I glazed over and lost myself in thought as I contemplated the sheer absurdity of a Trump/Ford ticket/presidency. I couldn't stop coming up with endless scenarios where Trump or Ford, or both would stun the world with their new policies that would make any sane person lose it. After all that time, I came to realize that we are living in that world today.
When I was a kid and we learned about WWII and the atrocities that Hitler had carried out; that Stalin had carried out, I couldn't believe it. It simply didn't register, not even as I grew up into an adult, and now as a "mature adult" those events seem tragically real and surreal. That any government leader could possess a mental dysfunction and a personal and political charisma so great as to perpetrate those atrocities stuns me. Yet, Tiananmen Square happened. North Korea still exists as an isolated and insular population in a time of unprecedented openness and access to information, but not there. Putin somehow managed to rise to power, consolidate power and is starting to expand his ambitions beyond his home turf (we can't forget the Ukraine...and what will Syria or the middle east bring now that Putin is ensconced there?).
What about Africa and all the dictators and human tragedies that have taken place over the many decades since WWII? Where has our enlightenment brought us? Did the light grow stronger and brighter, but we simply moved away?
I didn't start out this blog to get morbid and depressing. I'm not that guy generally. It's simply, when you think of all the lunacy that we see, is Trump for President, Ford as VP that much more absurd? Let's be thankful that Ford is Canadian (you know what I mean) and legislatively that pairing is practically impossible. Let's be a little more concerned that you could get a pairing of Trump and Ted Cruz (ironically another Canadian, "technically"?). WOW. Suddenly, Hillary ain't lookin' so bad is she?
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